Friends of the Festival Commercial Booth


Benefits include:

• Guaranteed 10 x 10 Booth Space.
• Company name listed on the website as a Friend of the Festival, with a live link to your company website.
• Company name listed on the Festival poster as a Friend of the Festival if registration paid by June 6th, 2025.
• Two tickets to the Sponsor VIP Party.
• Benefits begin within one week of payment being received.

2025 Friends of Festival Sponsorship Application (Mill Creek Festival)

"*" indicates required fields

Is the person completing this form a different person than will be on site during the event?*
Day of Event Contact Name (if needed)
Please locate my booth in the following area . . .*
Will you need electricity supplied (for a fee)?*
Max. file size: 500 MB.
• Agree to the “Hold Harmless Agreement”. • Provide their own tents, tables, chairs, equipment and supplies. • Have proof (copy of label) that the tent is flame-retardant. • MUST STAFF BOOTH during all festival hours. • MUST have tent weighed down with 20lbs at each tent leg in case of heavy winds. • MUST NOT use drugs or alcoholic beverages. • NO smoking within 25 feet of booths. • MUST NOT DISMANTLE BOOTH OR CONTENTS until after 5 pm on Sunday. • Vendor is responsible for cleaning up site and hauling away waste. • MUST not to have any flammable liquid fuel equipment. • MUST have a fire extinguisher on-site. • MUST MAKE cancellation requests in writing. • Will order power with separate power application (additional fees may apply). • Will set up regardless of weather (this is a rain or shine event).
• Does not guarantee exclusivity and booth location. • Does not supply electricity to booths, unless power is ordered on separate application. • Is not responsible for damaged property or equipment. • Provides security on-site overnight, but MCCC does not assume any responsibility for safety of vendor property. • Is not responsible for the number of festival visitors and, therefore, not responsible for vendor sales levels. • Will not make booth fee refunds after May 31st 2025. • Payment to be made within 30 days of application
Release, Hold Harmless & Agreement Not to Sue*
I fully understand that my participation in the MILL CREEK FESTIVAL sponsored by the MILL CREEK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, exposes me to the risk of personal injury, death or property damage. I hereby acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the MILL CREEK FESTIVAL and agree to assume any such risks. I hereby release, discharge and agree not to sue the CITY OF MILL CREEK or the event sponsor for any injury, death or damage to or loss of personal property arising out of, or in connection with, my participation in the event. In consideration for being permitted to participate in the event, I hereby agree, for myself, my heirs, administrators, executor and assigns, that I shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY OF MILL CREEK and the event sponsor from any and all claims, demands actions or suits arising out of or in connections with my participation in the event. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS AND AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT IT IS A FULL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY AND SIGN IT ON MY OWN FREE WILL.
IMPORTANT: All vendors must have liability insurance*
Certificate of Insurance for $1,000,000 liability naming City of Mill Creek and Mill Creek Chamber of Commerce as additional insured is due by June 15, 2025. Email copy of the Certificate of Liability Insurance on Acord Form 25 to [email protected] before the due date.
Method of Payment*